Monday, 20 August 2007

A glimpse at freedom

I felt a little bit shaky when I opened up my Inbox this morning and found an email from the postgrad-student mediator. My first thought was that Advisor A has had enough with me and was attempting to leave. But alas alack - it seems that Advisor A was only in a bit of a panic over her behaviour regarding the meetings at Rival Uni and thus emailed the mediator a ‘progress report’ on her supervision of me. He proceeded to forward the email to me, and ask me how I think/feel about the emerging situation. I bluntly told him that I can’t see myself continuing with Ad A as my primary supervisor, whether the break comes now or in the next few months, it is enevitable.

As I was writing these words to him the realisation that I would no longer have to deal with this crazy woman was so exciting. It has been almost 2 years of drama with Advisor A and the thought of an Advisor A-less world is indeed a bright and shiny one.


post-doc said...

An advisor who is working against you is still bafflingly awful to me. I'm so glad you're utilizing resources to get her away from your work. I'm sorry you're continuing to cope with this and hope it resolves soon.

PG said...

I agree - good on you for standing up for yourself. Advisor A, whether she realizes it or not, also has a lot to lose. Since she is new, it does not look good to have such a strained relationship with her first PhD student.