Friday 13 April 2007

Welcome productivity, please stay

I finally feel like I had a productive day. It has taken me a lot longer than I thought to get back into the swing of things. I feel quite capable of devoting hours of effort to solve Boss’s questions, but when it comes to my own research I have no trouble putting it to one side. But finally today I spent many many hours at uni, in my office, working hard. And it felt really good, I had a sense of accomplishment as I walked out to go home that I don’t feel after a good day working for Boss. Now I remember why I am doing this. But juggling other people's work with my own is going to be a recurring theme for me I think.

I just don't know the rules yet; What can a grad student reasonably demand from their advisor? Can a grad student reasonably say no to the requests of other academics? Is it just plain stupid to help a fellow grad student whose research program is in an area identical to ones own, or is it just good manners? Is it common for an advisor to take first name authorship of a students work? I need a manual for bamboozled new research students.

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